The online store does not need premises and security, it has no problems with inspections and fires, it does not require expensive repairs, and most importantly does not depend on its geographical location.

An online store in a small town today can be more successful than a regular store in a big city. The main thing is that there is a post office in this city.

New technologies emerge every year, and the number of Internet users is growing at an accelerated rate, and those who do not pay attention to their presence on the web are falling behind the competition.

Therefore, even those who have had an online store for a long time may find that it no longer meets modern standards. First of all, this concerns the mobile version of the site and its display on mobile devices.

I am ready to help and remake the old website of the online store in accordance with the new standards so that it has a mobile version and is displayed correctly on any mobile devices.

The structure WooCommerce online store

An online store on WooCommerce includes the following main modules:

  • Home page
  • Inner Pages
  • Catalog
  • Shopping cart
  • Checkout page
  • Publications (articles, news)
  • Feedback


The site owner independently manages all the content of his site (goods, catalog categories, texts, photos, videos, etc.).

A convenient administrative panel allows you to do this without involving a webmaster.

Stages of creating an online store WooCommerce

For most people, building an online store is a new business, but I have been making websites every day for years.

I know the specifics of online stores for different types of goods, which functions will be needed and which ones can be dispensed with, and I can offer my clients optimal solutions that fully meet the specifics of a particular online store.

Therefore, I do not require my clients to fill out briefs, write a technical assignment and try to describe in detail my site, which does not yet exist. It is enough to describe the problem in your own words and show a few examples.

Practice shows that it is better to see a live site with your own eyes and try how it reacts to the actions of a visitor, than to fiddle with briefs and design sketches for months while competitors are already getting customers from their sites.

It is much faster and cheaper to simply make a website template, and then, together with the customer, make the necessary adjustments to it.

Therefore, I do not puff out my cheeks and do not try to impress the client with special conditions. I just make websites!

This is how it works:

How much a WooCommerce online store cost?

Order online store WooCommerce