Landing Page – is a one-page site that vividly and dynamically presents information about a single product or service.

The main task of the landing page is to induce the visitor to perform some actions here and now – order a product or service, call the company’s office, subscribe to a service or download an application.

The main advantage of a landing page is a high concentration of keywords, which results in fast promotion and good indexing of the site.

It also makes sense to use the landing page for the active promotion of a new product or service as an addition to the main site in order to increase conversion.

This method of landing page promotion is very effective: on the one hand, search engines accept simple sites well, all content of which is focused on a specific topic, and on the other hand, site visitors can focus on the available information and make a decision quickly.

As a rule, landing pages use a responsive layout and various dynamic elements that attract attention: sliders, photo galleries, animated icons, sliding images, etc.

Landing page structure

As a rule, landing pages have a fairly typical structure, suggesting the presence of the following main blocks:

  • Site header with page navigation, contacts and a Callback button
  • Visual (slideshow, parallax) at the top of the site
  • Call to action
  • Order button / registration form
  • Advantages block
  • Description of goods / services
  • Feedback

In some cases, additional blocks can be used, for example:

  • Photo gallery block
  • Testimonials
  • Countdown timer before the start of sales / promotions

Stages of creating a Landing Page

For most people, creating a website is a new business, but I have been making websites every day for many years.

Therefore, I do not require my clients to fill out briefs, write a technical assignment and try to describe in detail his website that does not yet exist. It is enough to describe the task in your own words and show a few examples.

Practice shows that it is better to see a live site with your own eyes and try how it reacts to the actions of a visitor, than to fiddle with briefs and design sketches for months while competitors are already getting customers from their sites.

It is much faster and cheaper to simply make a website template, and then, together with the customer, make the necessary adjustments to it.

When creating a landing page, speed is especially important, since it is usually done for a new product or promotion, and if you do not have time to do it in time, the whole undertaking may lose its relevance.

Therefore, I do not puff out my cheeks, and do not try to impress the client with special terms. I just make websites!

This is how it works:


How much is a Landing Page

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